The Lighthouse for Kids
Clatsop County Child Abuse Assessment Center
Located in Beautiful Historic Astoria, Oregon
About Us
The Lighthouse for Kids is a collaborative; community based medical facility for the assessment and prevention of child abuse. We provide a safe environment for children when there are concerns of physical or sexual abuse, neglect or domestic violence. Medical exams and forensic interviews are conducted at the child’s pace and consent, by specially trained and caring professional staff.
Founded in 1999, The Lighthouse has continued to grow in response to the needs of children in Clatsop County. We coordinate our services with experts in the medical, mental health, child welfare and law enforcement to ensure children receive comprehensive treatment in one comfortable, uniquely equipped location. Our approach minimizes multiple traumatic interventions for the child and increases the effectiveness of the combined efforts to help, at substantial cost savings to the community. The Lighthouse is a member of the Oregon Network of Child Abuse Intervention Centers.

How You Can Help with Support, Funding and Donations:
Many of the children seen at The Lighthouse are victims of, and witnesses to criminal activities in Clatsop County. Their statements help successfully prosecute and stop crime in our community. Clatsop County needs The Lighthouse and the children need your support and donations to keep us all safe.
The Clatsop County Abuse Assessment Center is a 501-c(3) non-profit (EIN 93-1258590). All donations are tax deductible as provided by law. Donations can be made directly to: The Lighthouse for Kids, 1230 Marine Dr., Suite 301, Astoria, OR 97103 – Phone: 503-325-4977; Fax 503-501-2973; email: lighthouse@thelighthouse4kids.org
Operating expenses are paid by revenues from Child Abuse Multi-disciplinary Intervention funds, Crime Victims’ Compensation, insurance, community grants and donations.
Reporting Child Abuse and Referrals:
​Everyone can help children by reporting concerns of child abuse. There are several ways you can ensure children’s safety: In an emergency call 911. If you have immediate concerns about child abuse, please call Child Welfare’s toll-free number: 1-877-302-0077. For non-emergencies or questions, you can contact the Lighthouse at 503-325-4977. Referrals to our program are from mandatory reporters in the community and are scheduled by appointment. No child is denied services due to lack of resources.
Education and Presentations about Our Services:
Professionally trained employees of The Lighthouse are available to provide information and education to community service organizations. If you would like a presentation about our work, please contact us at 503-325-4977.
Mission Statement:
The Clatsop County Child Abuse Assessment Center’s mission is to provide a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary response to child abuse while reducing the trauma children experience in investigation and prosecution of child abuse cases.